
Vib ribbon songs
Vib ribbon songs

The fellow behind that company is Masaya Matsuura who also gave us the brilliant Parappa the Rapper and Un Jammer Lammy. Q8: Who is responsible for this madness? A: The company are called Nana On Sha. Just doing a wave move before would get you nothing. You see wave coming up, but do a move for clearing a block just before then quickly clear the wave. If you perform a move on the line before a shape that did not require that move to clear it you will get a small freestyle bonus if you then clear the shape successfully. Q7: How else can I get points? A: A few more points can be gained though freestyling. However your score coupons are carried over and your end bonus for finishing the previous song is added to them. At the end of the first song no matter what you state you start the next song as vibri. NOTE: In the Vib ribbon game songs there are two per level. Vibri gets about a fifth, the frog about a seventh and the Worm a big fat zero. If you are the Queen you get about a quarter of your score again added on. Q6: Whats this bonus about? A: Depending on what state your in when you finish you'll get a clear bonus added to your score. At the end these are added up to form your score. You start off with thin purple crosses and lines and these gradually build into bright yellow hexagons and double triangles etc. Clear shapes as the queen and the shapes fill in much quicker! Q5: But what do the shapes mean? A: The better you do the more spectacular shapes you'll have when you finish. Look at the shapes (coupons) that swirl behind you, each shape cleared as worm, frog or rabbit adds only one piece to the row of shapes. Q4: Ok so what's so special about Queen-angel vibri? A: Your score goes up big time as the Queen. Behind you is a circle of dots, each shape cleared adds to that circle. Q3: So I'm a stinking, dirty Frog then, how do I get back? A: Clear twenty shapes without messing up and you will evolve up one level. Make nine mistakes as the worm and it's game over. The evolutionary stages are evolve up from rabbit to queen-angel vibri, evolve back down to rabbit, frog and worm. Q2: Argh she just turned in to a Frog, then a Worm! A: Make nine mistakes in one form and you will be devolved down into the next form. Check out his site, its the best vib ribbon site I've seen on the net! Check out Sony Europe's Official Vib Ribbon site at this address (you'll need Flash though) I also have the Vib Ribbon songs as MPEGS email me if you would like them!! ***************************************************************************** FAQ Q1: What is Vibri? A: Vibri is the rabbit you guide along the ribbon created by the music. A big thankyou to Matt at for allowing me to use his translations for the two japanese songs. If you want to use it you can but email me first for politeness sake. This FAQ is copyright Sophie Cheshire 2001.

#Vib ribbon songs plus#

This FAQ is being written for all of those people struggling with the Japanese version and who may want to know what all the menu screens mean and just what darling little vibri is telling us all! Plus some friends and me have attempted to translate some of the songs so I hope you find our efforts at the lyrics and inspiration for you to try and figure them out yourselves. Along this line dances a rabbit called vibri, by timing you button presses she clears obstacles on the line and increases your score. The line is made up of four basic shapes, block, pit, wave and loop, plus combinations of two different shapes. Inserting your music CD in when prompted will caue the sophisticated music programme to analyse the music and created a line of shapes based on the rhythm, tempo and melody of the song or instrumental track. Contact me at vib ribbon is a music game that allows you to play any music CD as a game.

Vib ribbon songs